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How to Add and Import Employees?

Set up employee data. Create a new employee profile. Fast import via Google spreadsheet & upload with Microsoft Excel.

Nicholas avatar
Written by Nicholas
Updated over 10 months ago

You can quickly add employees' information into Talenox. Each employee has a Profile to record necessary details for payroll, banking and tax submissions.

Firstly, you'll need to go to the Employee Listing page to add and populate these employee profiles in the system for use in Payroll and Leave.

Head to Profiles > Manage my database > Employee Listing:

How to Mass Import Employees?

Here you have three options to utilise for the creation of employee profiles in Talenox:

1) Google Sheets Import Option

In the Employee Listing page, head to Import > Import Employees > Google Sheet > Start.

This will open up a Google sheet in a new tab where you can paste data values from your existing employee database easily.

We recommend filling in as many fields as possible but columns coloured in yellow are mandatory. Do check that the data values pasted (be mindful of formula/linked data) comply with each column's dropdown selection.

To find the list important of importing sheet fields and the needed criteria to take note of for successful import: How to Complete Employee Data Importing Fields (Singapore)

You can close the sheet at any time, your data will be saved. Just navigate back to the original Talenox page when you're ready to pull the data in and select "Import".

2) Microsoft Excel Import Option

In the Employee Listing page, head to Import > Import Employees > Excel > Download to generate our import sheet template (Microsoft Excel format) and populate the employee data in the format provided.

Once done, you can click on the "Upload" button to begin the import process.

Typically, loading should reach 100% within a minute. Any data fields we detect as incorrect or blank will be flagged up as an error message for rectification. There is also the option to create and invite users via their email.

NOTE: If the progress bar is stuck at 0%, there's a good chance some fields contain data that cannot be read by the cell validation. So just look out for red cells in the sheet.

3) Create single profiles directly - "Add Employee"

When you're adding a few profiles at a time, using the "Add Employee" button is useful. This is more manual process for you to key in each employee's employee profile fields one-by-one.

Useful Links:

Now that you have read all about the different ways to add and remove employee data from Talenox, you can also check out the guides below on Employee Profile details for further understanding:

You can also refer to these guides on the complete employee data importing fields for Google Sheet/Excel import options:

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