We now allow for employees to be assigned to multiple Cost Centres in Talenox!
Here is how multiple Cost Centre assignment can be utilised and displayed for your employees in each module:
Company Details
Under Profiles > Company Details > Cost Centres, you can set up Cost Centres (as many as you require) for your company.
Now, when you assign employees to a several Cost Centres, they will appear as selected employees within each Cost Centre they have been placed in:
โNOTE: Manual un-selection will have to be done to remove an employee from a Cost Centre if you are switching their Cost Centres.
Employee Profiles
In an employee's profile, you will be able to view the Cost Centres your employee is assigned to.
Please do select a "Default cost centre" for your employee - this will apply in payroll later on as the default cost centre chosen automatically.
Processing Payroll
The steps for processing payroll will still be the same. You can view these steps on how to process payroll here.
There will only be one extra detail to handle under Step 4 - View Summary during payroll processing. In addition to checking through the pay items keyed in so far, you will also have to select the Cost Centre that this payment batch is assigned to for a each particular employee:
A dropdown selection will be appear of all the Cost Centres that an employee is currently assigned to under the Company Details page for selection. Thereafter, once Cost Centres have been assigned, carry on with the payroll processing process as usual.
Different payment batches processed for a single employee can be assigned to various Cost Centres as required ๐
Payroll Report
When exporting the Payroll Report for a payroll month, you will be able to see employees appearing in multiple Cost Centres with their payroll details split accordingly:
Now, you can manage employees with Cost Centre with ease ๐