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How to Publish Generated Tax Forms to Employees (Singapore)

Sending employee tax forms directly via email. After tax form submissions have been made.

Nicholas avatar
Written by Nicholas
Updated over 2 years ago

We have enabled for generated tax forms to be published to employees in Talenox via email.

Employee tax forms will be sent to each individual in an encrypted PDF format through their email addresses keyed into Talenox.

Publishing Tax Forms (Form IR8A, IR21, Appendix 8A, Appendix 8B)

To publish tax forms to individual employees, you can follow the steps below to do so:

1) Head to Payroll > Payroll settings > [Tax Form] > Publish tax forms to access the tax forms publishing feature.

2) This will bring you to a page where you can select the employees to send tax forms to. Thereafter, click on the "Publish" option available:

3) After publishing, you should see a pop-up notification to let you know that the relevant forms have been sent to the selected employees:

What Do Employees See in Tax Form Email Sent?

Each tax form will be encrypted and attached to the email sent to employees. The employee must key in their Date of birth in "DDMMYYYY" format to unlock the file.

Each email will include the following:

  • Set of instructions to unlock the encrypted file attachment

  • Identifying title for the tax form received through email

This is a sample of the email that they will receive from Talenox, once tax forms are published to them:


  • Employees with access to the Tax module will be prompted in this notification to log into Talenox to download their own tax forms too.

  • If an employee has a Talenox account, the pdf will be sent to their user account email. If not, it will be sent to their personal email in the employee's profile (under Personal Details > Email).

  • If the employee is missing an email (does not have any email address keyed in for them in their employee profile nor user account email), the status will remain as "pending", even after clicking the 'Publish' button.

Employees will be able to view their tax forms through the new employee Tax module as well. You can take a look at this guide to see How Employees View Their Tax Forms? (Singapore).

Before publishing tax forms to employees, you'll first have to learn how to generate your tax forms for sending to employees: πŸ‘

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