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Payroll App Guide (Indonesia)

Guide to the Payroll module for processing payroll (BPJS, THR) publishing of payslips for Indonesia users.

Nicholas avatar
Written by Nicholas
Updated over a week ago

Processing Payroll

Monthly payroll can be done very quickly in just a few steps:

  • Step 1 - Select Employees

  • Step 2 - Select Leave Payments/Deductions

  • Step 3 - Select Pay Item

  • Step 4 - Select Tax Allowances

  • Step 5 - View Summary

  • Step 6 - View Month Total

Viewing the Month Total Page

After payroll has been processed fully in Talenox, you'll be brought to the Month Total page below.

The Month Total page comprises of the following tabs that you can toggle between to double-check the amounts you've keyed into Payroll for your employees:

  • Payroll Summary tab - breakdown of all the individual items that contributes to the Net Salary.

  • Statutory Summary tab - breakdown of statutory contributions calculated for your employees such as JP (Jaminan Pension), JHT (Jaminan Hari Tua), BPJS (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial), JKK (Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja) and PPh21 (Pajak Penghasilan).

Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS): Social Insurance Administration Organization
Pajak Penghasilan (PPh21): Income Tax (employee withholding tax)
Jaminan Kecelakaan Kerja (JKK): Work Accident Security
Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT): Old Age Security
Jaminan Pension (JP): Pension Security

Downloading Bank File

Bank File

You can easily export the Bank file by clicking on Export Bank file / Reports > Make Payment.

To make salary disbursement, you will have to export bank file and upload it to your corporate banking portal.

Publishing Payslips

Click on "Publish payslips" to publish payslips to employees in Talenox.

NOTE: Talenox only sends email notifications to invite employees to login and view their payslips in the system. We do not send out payslips attachments in emails to employees due to security reasons.

Viewing & Editing All Payments Processed

Every payment that you have processed in Talenox for the payroll month will be displayed in the All Payments page. To view the individual payments processed, you can head over to Payroll settings > All Payments.

In All Payments, you'll be shown all payments that have been "Processed" successfully or are currently in "Draft" mode. This is where you can view, edit, delete or rename the individual payments.

Have fun processing your Payroll each month with Talenox πŸ˜‰

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