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Maternity Leave (Singapore)

Entitlement and eligibility for Maternity Leave for employees in Singapore. Adding Child's Details in Next-of-Kin.

Nicholas avatar
Written by Nicholas
Updated over a week ago

A female employee who has worked at least 3 months before the birth of the child is entitled to Maternity Leave (ML).

There are 2 different criteria to consider for set-up of ML eligibility and entitlement in the settings in Talenox:

  1. Citizenship of Child

  2. Marriage status of Child's parents

Understanding Maternity Leave Entitlements

Below are some common scenarios to understand what your employees are entitled to depending on the criteria mentioned above.

An employee's child is a Singapore Citizen AND both parents are legally married

ML entitlement for the employee is the following:

  • Entitled to 16 weeks of Maternity Leave.

  • First 8 weeks are paid by the employer while the remaining 8 weeks are paid by the government, for the first 2 child births. All 16 weeks are paid by the government for the third and subsequent child births.

  • To be taken in continuous weeks starting 4 weeks before child birth; first 8 weeks can be taken within 4 weeks of child birth with the remaining weeks taken flexibly within 1 year of child birth.

  • Total flexible leave days = 8 weeks x number of work days per week (capped at 48 work days).

An employee's child is not a Singapore Citizen OR both parents are not legally married

ML entitlement for the employee is the following:

  • Entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave.

  • 8 weeks are paid by the employer for the first 2 child births while the remaining 4 weeks are unpaid.

  • To be taken in continuous weeks starting 4 weeks before child birth; first 8 weeks can be taken within 4 weeks of child birth with the remaining weeks taken flexibly within 1 year of child birth.

  • Total flexible leave days = 4 weeks x number of work days per week (capped at 48 work days).

How can your employee be eligible for Maternity Leave?

By default, not all employees are granted Maternity Leave. In Talenox, ML eligibility will depend on the fulfilment of the following requirements:

1) The details of your employee's child must be added in the Next-of-Kin section of their Employee Profile (Under Employee Listing > Next of Kin)

NOTE: The Child's Date of Birth is a requirement as eligibility will depend on the age of the child as well in the settings for Maternity Leave.

2) Update the employee's Marital Status under the employee's profile as well.

3) Lastly, do check the Maternity Leave settings (under Leave > Leave Settings > Leave Type) to ensure that your employees will be eligible to apply.

This will help the system to determine if the employee is eligible for Maternity Leave based on the settings that has been set-up for them in the Leave module.

Custom Maternity Leave Set-Up (Flexible Arrangement)

When mutually agreed upon with your employees, you can choose to create a custom Maternity Leave (Flexible Arrangement) if your company allows your employees to apply in Days instead of continuous weeks, you can follow the steps in this guide.Β 

NOTE: Maternity Leave applied for in continuous week is the default arrangement according to MOM's guidelines.

How do you claim from Government-Paid Maternity Leave (GPML) Scheme?

You can claim Government Paid Maternity Leave (GPML) by heading over to the Government-Paid Leave website to submit your employee's claim online via the GPL portal.

Do scroll down the page until you see "What should I do as an employer" and follow the steps accordingly. πŸ˜€

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