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Uploading CIMB Bank File (Malaysia)

BizChannel@CIMB Bulk Payroll Payments Guide. CIMB Bank in Talenox

Chee Hian Chng avatar
Written by Chee Hian Chng
Updated over a month ago

The following are some frequently asked questions that we often encounter:

  1. "How to upload CIMB bank file?"

  2. "What do I need to do to upload bank file to CIMB BizPortal?"

  3. "Why is my CIMB file rejected?"

We'll run through how to submit your CIMB Bank File via the BizChannel@CIMB.

🌟 If this is your first time performing bulk payroll payments via a single file upload, please kindly contact Business Call Centre at 1300 888 828 or email to to request for Organization Code.

Please note that payroll files upload is not available for BizLite accounts. You have to be in the Standard/Customised Package to upload the bank file.

Downloading bank file from Talenox

Step 1: To ensure that the bank file format is the correct one before exporting, do choose "CIMB" and "BulkPay" option under Profiles > Company Details > Bank Details.

Key in the bank code, branch code and the Organization code that you have obtained from CIMB in the Bank Details as well.

Step 2: For PCB payments via CIMB, please ensure that the phone number is keyed in Profiles > Basic Information for PCB submission.

Step 3: At Payroll Settings > Month Total > Export Bank Payments/CPF/Reports, you can choose Make Payment to download the Bank File (GIRO)

Step 4: Select Payment Method > Bank Transfer

Step 5: Click GIRO

Step 6: Select Pay Day and Export Bank File

After exporting the file from Talenox (choose Bank File GIRO), log in to your BizChannel@CIMB

Uploading Bank File in BizChannel@CIMB

Step 1: Click ‘Bulk Payments’ from the left side menu and select ‘Payroll’ from the dropdown list.

Step 2: File details: File Format: Select ‘TXT’ for file generated from BizConverter. File Type: Select ‘Non Encrypted’ for file generated from BizConverter. File Upload: Upload the payroll payments file.

Step 3: Pay From: Click on magnifier icon and search for an account to pay from.

Step 4: Click ‘Submit for Acceptance’ to validate the file.

Step 5: Click ‘Upload File Status’ tab to view validation status. Result Message: Your file has been submitted for acceptance with the status ‘Awaiting Validation’.

Step 6: Click ‘Refresh’ to check the status.

Submit File for Approval

Step 7: Once the status has changed to ‘Pending Confirmation’, click ‘Confirm’ to submit file for authorisation.

Step 8: Result Message: Your file has been submitted for acceptance with the status ‘Pending Approval’. Note: The authoriser will need to approve or reject the transaction before it is submitted to the Bank for processing.

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