Most companies allow employees' unused annual leaves from the previous period (i.e. Year 2019) to be brought over to the next period (i.e. Year 2020).
If you are an Admin who has just joined the company or has taken over the role of your predecessor, you may be wondering on how to verify the number of carry forward leaves in the Leave Settings.
For example, if an employee has 5 days of carry forward leaves (from 2019) in the current period (Year 2020), here's how you can verify the settings:
Under Leave > Manage Leave Policies > Leave Settings > Leave Types > Annual Leave, scroll down the page until you see "Unused Leave..." > "for up to a limit of...".
As for the "Negative Carried Forward" option in Leave Settings, there are currently 2 options that you can choose from:
Expires with carry forward duration: This means that if there is negative leave balances for an employee in a period, this negative CF will expire according to your CF leave settings set up (e.g. used up within a certain period and how many can be brought forward).
Is deducted permanently from base entitlement: This means that if there is negative leave balances for an employee in a period, the amount will be carried forward and deducted directly from the next period's fixed entitlement for the employee.
This feature was created to allow for users to decide if they'd like for any negative leave balances to be carried forward and how it should be treated in the next period of entitlement for employees.
Take note that negative leave balances usually only occur when an Admin adjusts balances for employees and deducts more than the entitlement amounts. An employee will not be able to take more than their allotted leave balance amounts in the system.
If a Leave Grade was set up, do check Leave Grade instead as Leave Grade settings always precedes general Annual Leave settings (under Leave Types).