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Part-time Employment (Singapore)

Entitlement of Part-time employees in Singapore

Nicholas avatar
Written by Nicholas
Updated over 4 years ago

An employee under a contract of service who works less than 35 hours a week is considered as working part-time (PT).

Overtime Pay

Overtime work is payable and the payment amount is pegged to the working hours of a full time (FT) employee of a similar role.

Rest Day

A PT employee required to work at least 5 days a week is entitled to one rest day per week. Payment for work on a rest day is as follows:

Public Holidays, Annual and Sick leave

Public holidays (PH), Annual leave (AL) and Sick Leave are payable and the pay is pro-rated based on the number of hours worked compared to a similar full time employee:

No. of working hours per year (PT) / No. of working hours per year (FT)
 x No. of PH or AL or sick leave days for FT employee with equal length of service
 x No. of working hours in a day for FT employee

A PT employee and the employer may agree to encash the PH or *Annual Leave pay into the hourly gross rate of pay instead. Sick leave cannot be encashed. Use this formula:

Annual PH/AL entitlement of PT (in hours) / working hours per week x 52
 x hourly gross rate of pay

*Annual leave cannot be encashed if the employee works at least 5 days a week and from 30 to 34 hours a week.

Maternity, Paternity and Shared parental leave

A PT employee is entitled to the same benefits for Maternity, Paternity and Shared parental leave as a FT employee.

Childcare leave

A PT employee is entitled to the same childcare leave and extended childcare leave benefits as a FT employee. The entitlement is adjusted based on the number of hours worked compared to a similar full time employee, subject to a minimum of 2 days, calculated as follows:

Average no. of work hours a week (PT) / Average no. of work hours a week (FT)
 x No. of childcare leave days for FT employee with equal length of service
 x No. of working hours in a day for FT employee

How to set up Part-Timers on Talenox

You can follow the steps to set up:

  1. Head to Profiles > Employee Listing > Employee Profile > Current Job Details > Rate of Pay.

  2. Select either Daily or Hourly from the drop-down list.

  3. Indicate the part-time salary in the Amount field. 

  4. Hit the Save button. 

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