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Employment of Foreign Manpower Act
Nicholas avatar
Written by Nicholas
Updated over 4 years ago

The Employment of Foreign Manpower Act covers any person with a work pass - Employment Pass, S Pass, Work Permit - issued by the Ministry of Manpower.

All foreigners must have a valid pass (aka work visa) before starting work in Singapore. The employer or authorised third party has to apply for a candidate's work pass.

Employment Pass

  • for professionals, managers and executive.

  • fixed monthly salary of at least $3,300 (increases with experience).

  • requires good university degree, professional qualifications or specialist skills.

  • duration is up to 2 years initially (renewable for up to 3 years).

  • foreign worker levy or quota not required.

  • medical insurance is optional.

S Pass

  • for mid-level skilled staff.

  • fixed monthly salary of at least $2,200 (increases with experience).

  • requires a degree or diploma (technical certificates may be considered).

  • duration is up to 2 years, renewable.

  • employer is subject to quota and levy.

  • employer must provide medical insurance
    (at least $15,000 coverage per year, covers inpatient care and day surgery).

Work Permit

  • for foreign workers from approved countries working in the service, construction, manufacturing, marine or process sector.

  • no qualifying salary

  • duration is up to 2 years, renewable.

  • employer is subject to quota and levy.

  • employer must provide medical insurance
    (at least $15,000 coverage per year, covers inpatient care and day surgery).

Foreign Worker Quota and Levy

The number of S Pass and Work Permit holders an employer can hire is limited by a quota based on the business activity sector i.e. service, construction, manufacturing, marine or process.

A monthly levy has to be paid for each worker starting from the day the S Pass or Work Permit is issued and ends when the permit is cancelled or expires.

The foreign worker quota and levy are intended to regulate the number of foreign workers in Singapore. Use the Talenox Foreign Worker Quota & Levy Calculator.

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