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Bank Files Availability (Hong Kong)

Supported bank files in Hong Kong. Bank file download.

Nicholas avatar
Written by Nicholas
Updated over 2 weeks ago

What is a bank file?

A bank file is a file that contains the encoded salary payment details for each employee with a bank account. Here's an example of the file name when created - bank_file14092963432.txt.

Here's a list of the bank files and their corresponding formats that we are supporting in Hong Kong when you set up your company's Bank Details in Talenox for a direct upload to your corporate bank portal:

  1. Hang Seng Bank*

  2. HSBC* (.txt)

  3. DBS Hong Kong (.txt)

  4. Bank of China (BOC) (.dat)

  5. Standard Chartered Bank (.csv)

  6. Bank of Communications (.xls)

  7. Citibank (.txt)

  8. UniCredit Bank AG (.xlsx)

  9. JP Morgan (csv.)

  10. CMB Wing Lung Bank (.csv)

  11. China Construction Bank (.txt)

  12. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (.dft)

  13. Bank of East Asia (.bea)

  14. Airwallex (.csv)

  15. OCBC (.csv)

*For HSBC and Hang Seng Bank, do obtain the Payment Code (HSBC) from HSBC customer support team. ย 

What should I do after downloading and generating the bank file from Talenox?

As we are not directly integrated with the banks for salary disbursement right now, you'll need to upload the bank file generated from Talenox to your corporate banking portal outside of Talenox.

This is not done within Talenox's portal as we've not built any direct integrations to support this.

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